Bird Week

This week we have been learning all about birds, We have been on a bird walk in our forest school and we even made some bird cakes to put on our class tree. Here are some photos from our learning this week.

People who help us in our community

We had a special visitor in Reception this week. Zachary’s Mum, who is a Nurse came in to speak with us. We all had lot of knowledge about what Nurses do to help us, and got cracking with bandaging the sloth, using plastic syringes and using the stethoscope to listen to our heartbeat. Thank you so much for coming in!

People who help us in school

We have been learning about people that help us in school this week we have had so many visitors in our class. Mrs.Horsley who helps unlock the gates for us at Nursery Lane, and Mrs. Price who calls us to make sure we get up to go to school. Thank you also to all the parents who have taken the time to visit and share with our classes.

Story Heroes

Our Year 6 Story Heroes came to visit RC this week, we had so much fun sharing our story maps with them. In our groups we share our story maps from story time, we create stories together and our Story Heroes even read us a storybook. Thank you for visiting and see you next week!

Visiting our Class tree – Winter

RC class visited our class tree and noticed the changes since we last visited. A few children noticed that there were brown leaves on the tree and a lot of them had fallen. Also the apples had fallen and landed on the ground. We said we would keep an eye on our tree to see if we can spot any signs on Spring as the weeks progress. Below are a few pictures from our walk.

Christmas Dinner

We all had a lovely time with our friends, wearing our festive crowns and eating our Christmas dinner in the hall. Here are some photos from the afternoon. Wishing all families a very happy, restful, and fun filled break. See you all back in the New Year.

Buddies Book night

Thank you to all the families that came to make our book night so special. All of our children were very excited to be in their cosy pyjamas and receive a special gift from their Yr 6 buddies. We shared stories, as well as hot chocolate and biscuits. Thank you again for making it a fabulous night! Here are some pictures below:

Skelton Grange Visit: Wednesday 29th Trip

Thank you to all the parents that were able to help on our trip. The kids had a fabulous time. They really enjoyed looking for bugs and animals under logs, collecting food for mice, and listening out for owl sounds. They also had a blast playing in the wooded area with the rope swing, climbing, ball run and mud kitchen.

Below are a few pictures of the Wednesday 29th trip: